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HES Mini available @SRPAmericas includes a DC generator and an energy storage system.
It offers seamless integration of multiple power sources with smart energy storage.
Hybrid systems are usually used where there is no grid power, or bad-grid areas where utility power is available for just a few hours of the day.
The HES Mini includes a DC generator (high efficiency variable speed diesel engine & Permanent magnet DC alternator) and an energy storage system (High efficiency Li-Ion batteries).
Renewable energy technologies (e.g. - solar, wind) can be integrated directly to the system without the need for any system upgrades based on site suitability. These 48V solar or wind systems that can be connected directly to the DC bus can minimize the need for regular thermal generation (up to 95% reduction in fuel and CO2 emissions). The amount of useable renewable energy will depend on the location (e.g. – solar radiation & space availability or wind speed and capacity factor), battery storage capacity and the load profile. In applications where renewables can fulfill the energy needs, the diesel generator will only be used in situations that renewable resources are not available for prolonged periods (e.g. weather events).
AC power to conventional loads (e.g.- residences, offices, etc) can be provided through an inverter. The cycle is similar where DC generators supplies AC power through the inverter, while simultaneously charging the batteries. Once the batteries are charged, the generator switches off and the batteries power the load through the inverter.
An inverter charger can be used in sites where low cost AC power is available for short periods (bad grid), where the AC power can be used to charge the batteries when available.
Hybrid Energy Station (HES) products offer customers a range of power generation and storage options. The HES Mini consists of a powerful engine/battery combination which can be supplemented with wind or solar for an even greener solution.
HES Mini Bringing you value
Ensures continuity of service from the Telecoms provider
Optimized site infrastructure to reduce energy requirements
Modular systems which increase in capacity in line with the site load demands
Integration of solar and wind power
Reduced engine run hours and fuel consumption
Easy retrofit to existing Telecoms sites
Remote monitoring and service support
Performance monitoring and reporting
Integrated Fueling Technology (hardware and software) providing security while accessing and dispensing fuel

Control System
The HYbrid Control System provides an unprecedented control and monitoring of your site.
24/7 remote monitoring and system diagnostics
Deployed globally with GSM coverage
Alerts and alarm indication allowing preventative measures without having to attend site
Monitoring engine, alternator, battery parameters and fuel consumption
TRIME 48 Volt DC Portable Diesel Generator

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