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Simply Reliable Power
has been selling and supporting ASCO Automatic Transfer Switches for over a decade in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Founded in 1888 in Baltimore, ASCO Power Technologies (“ASCO”) introduced first Automatic Transfer Switch in 1925 and later expanded into surge, loadbanks, and fire pump and control applications; and we at Simply Reliable Power have been selling and supporting ASCO Automatic Transfer Switches for over a ten years in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Simply Reliable Power carries an extensive stock of ASCO Automatic Transfer Switches from 100 to 2600 amps in stock for immediate delivery.
Scroll down for more information about Transfer Switches and Load Banks.
(click on each button to see detailed information)
ASCO 185 Series
Get all the intelligence your optional standby system needs to make sure power stays on when the utility fails, with ASCO Series 185 Power Transfer Switches. When utility power has been restored, this line of power transfer switches will automatically transfer your loads back to utility and shut down the generator, saving fuel and standing ready to address the next utility failure.
AMPS: 100, 200, 250, 300, 400
ASCO 300 Series
Get the advantage of combined automatic power switching with the necessary disconnecting, grounding, and bonding required for use as service entrance equipment with the ASCO Series 300SE. The power transfer switch meets all National Electrical Code requirements for service entrance use.
AMPS: 100, 200, 230, 260, 400, 600,
800, 1000, 1200, 1600, 2000, 2600, 3000
ASCO 4000/7000 Series
Transfer loads between alternate sources of power regardless of ampacity size efficiently with ASCO 4000 Power Transfer Switches made possible with reliable, field proven solenoid operating mechanisms. Combined with programmable microprocessor controllers, they offer the most advanced method of transferring loads.
AMPS: 30-4000 Built to Custom Specifications

Click on the button below to learn more about ASCO Power Transfer Switch Comparison Features.
Load testing is a vital task in ensuring proper operation of your backup power system. Our load banks provide a continuous and accurate means for load testing. Click on the buttom above to see our Catalog, technical specifications and detailed information.
Several models to choose from, and two options: Portable and Fixed.
Fixed or permanent loadbanks are designed for outdoor operation, these units feature highly reliable Avtron Helidyne load elements.
Portable: Built to resist vibration encountered during transportation, Avtron portable load banks are lightweight, compact, and reliable.
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